

At the insistence of my daughter-in-law and because of Piet Voorburg’s accidentally found source of information, I started to write down my memories.
About the time of sailing at Bureau Wijsmuller as a ‘ship’s engineer’.



I wrote a small book of these experiences and distributed it to my parents and children.
They still got an insight into a part of my working life.
Writing about it was the best way to hold on to all those impressions.
That book became insufficient to mention all those revealing facts.
My eldest son thought I should put it all on a website.
With his help it came about.

Through the internet and this site a lot of information, inspiration and material was found and came loose.
More than I could ever have put in my book.
Reactions came from unexpected corners and countries.

The front of the book I have slightly adjusted for this site.
T. Janssen is the draughtsman of the tugboat and edited by me.
It reflects the intention of this site.

I hope you will enjoy the stories and pictures as much as I had from retrieving all those memories.

Rob Visman

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